Thursday, February 20, 2014

A small act of kindness.

      I am not a very sentimental person. I really wish I was. I am blunt, crazy, all over the place and when the rest of the world is crying in a movie I have to force the tears. That being said, this story meant the world.
     Tonight I ran to target, hair a mess, in my pj's, probably looking like I just got out of bed. I got to the cashier and realized my wallet was in the car. I asked the cashier to hold the items while I ran out to get it. As Sawyer and I were rushing back in with my wallet a girl came out with my bag of stuff. As she handed it to me I asked her how much I owed her. She said that it was only around $5 and that her and her sister took care of it. She told me that they just wanted to let me know that I had the most adorable baby in the world and that they wanted us to have a good night! I was speechless. It was the small cost of $5 dollars to make my night. 5 dollars. The cost of a crappy movie at walmart!
    The last 6 months of my life I have had tunnel vision. I don't notice the people and things around me. This was a wake up call! I need to be aware of other people and not pass up the moments where I can pay the small cost to make someone else's day! As I loaded Sawyer in the car I felt loved and was reminded that the smallest things can make the biggest difference.

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